Easy Tahini Sauce – Sesame paste puree

World’s Easiest and Healthiest Salad Dressing

Tahini sauce is so easy to make and very healthy no matter how you flavor it, this post is not really a recipe but rather a tip on how to make tahini without having it to curdle while whisking, this is always the most annoying part for me when I used to add lemon juice/water and then have it become all stiff and curdely (not sure this is a word) anyways a tip I learned along the way or stumbled upon while making dinner a while back and asked my mother in law this tahini didn’t curdle why did that happen? she smiled and said you always add yogurt to tahini and whisk first and then you thin it out with water or add lemon juice, I was amazed because that’s how I did tahini that night so since then that is how I make my tahini sauce.

This is very delicious with Falafel, Shawerma, on Fatteh “don’t know what fatteh? subscribe and I will show you ;), on some grilled veggies like cauliflower and on salads.

It keeps for long in the fridge so its good for meal prepping.


  1. Tahini “Sesame paste”
  2. Yogurt “You can use a keto friendly yogurt or just use a little bit of it”
  3. Lemon juice
  4. Salt
  5. Crushed garlic to taste “in the video I didn’t add any that time but you can add for sure depending on your mood:)”

Again guys its not really a recipe but more of a tip I would love to share with all of you, also don’t forget to check my baked falafel recipe to use this tahini sauce with 😉

Happy cooking.


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